ourChecklists: Checklist Management
Use checklists to streamline your activities, tasks and processes for business, sports and hobbies. Click for more...
ourDars: Decision Management
The ourDars application implements a Decision analysis and Resolution process that satisfies CMMI requirements for a formal decision resolution process. Click for more...
ourBoatMonitor: An IOT system used to monitor boat status.
An IOT system used to monitor boat status: bilge water level, temperature, humidity , air pressure, battery voltage and location. Includes hardware and software components. Data is transmitted using LTE. Click for more...
ourProbes: Distributed Network Monitoring
The ourProbes system provides a Distributed Network Monitoring solution using low cost microcontroller based end points. Click for more...
ourLora: IOT and wireless manager
The ourLora system should be used as the basis for IOT projects, it supports definition of IOT devices and application capabilities to manage those IOT devices. It support IOT wireless connectivity that includes LoraWan, Sigfox and LTE. Click for more...
LupinPet: APM Tool
The Lupin performance evaluation AMP tool analyzes network trace data and exposes the application performance information present in those traces. The tool delivers four key views of transaction performance; Transaction turn analysis, Transaction conversation analysis, Time series breakdowns and Performance Predictions. Click for more...
LupinProbe: Network Profiling Tool
The Lupin Probe is a windows utility used to perform quick non-invasive discovery of network link capabilities. I will test for and graph; round trip latency, and available bandwidth. Click for more...
Bing: Network Profiling Utility
The bing utility is a command line utility similar to "ping". It is run from the command line and tests the network using ICMP packets. In addition to measuring network latencies it also calculates available bandwidth. Click for more...
Blogs: Video Blogs for my various projects
Any video blogs I produce showing my development process, with warts and all. Click for more...